On Friday evening we brought our friends J & K to our lot for a little BBQ. We watched the sun go down to make sure our porch will have sun in the evenings, before the placement of the house is final.
Another positive discovery this evening was that we have very nice neighbors, we meet two families. It turns out that our next door neighbors have kids almost the exact ages as ours. It couldn't be more perfect, hopefully they will get along well too.
We got the paperworks for the permit-to-build on Thursday last week, and there is only minor changes to be done before we can send the papers in. Hopefully this will be arranged this week.
The exterior and the placement of the house on the lot is the important parts in the application for a permit-to-build.

We have decided to go for the horizontal wood panel on the house, only a little part on the front side will have plaster. We would have loved to have white plaster all around, but unfortunately it is to expensive. On the picture above we are going to change the placement of the round window so that will be placed in the middle of the bedroom wall (on the inside that is). The door out from bedroom #4 will get a different door with glass all the way down.