A spent a whole week with J in the caravan. Me and C stayed just over the weekend. It was fun to see all the new stuff in the house but we were not sad to leave the caravan on Sunday evening. It is probably more fun we you are at a camping with a toilet, shower and warm water around.
I sommar kommer vi blogga på Bauhaushemma hemsida.
This summer we will blog here. The new blog will only be in Swedish but we will continue to blog at Mitt i mossgläntan också exclusivily for YOU in English!
Friends and family please note that we are blogging under pseudonym at the new blog, so please No name dropping. The kids goes under their nicknames. Abdi, Kotten and Lillebror.
J already lives at our lot. He borrowed his dad's caravan. They had lots of problems getting it up over the hill on our private road. Luckily a neighbor saved the situation. Thanks Sune!
Våra gamla stolar är ommålade. 4 vita med kromade ben och fyra svarta med svarta ben. Barnstolen är dock i orginalfärg. Alla stolar väntar på att få flytta från det trista förråd till det nya huset.
Follow our way to a new home. We moved in to our "old" one bedroom condo after two years overseas in December 2007. We spent lots of time looking for a new home, but it was hard to find something nice and affordable. In the end of April 2008 we finally got a beautiful lot. That is our starting point for this project.
We are a family of five, Mom L, Dad J and the three boys Ab, A and C.