Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008

Bygget är igång.
Flyttbussen packad.
Once again our belongings are in boxes.
We are moving to our temporary apartment this week.
Flyttbussen packad.
Once again our belongings are in boxes.
We are moving to our temporary apartment this week.
Jag, L, fick reda på att arbetet med vår väg påbörjats via ett samtal av en mycket arg styrelseordförande ifrån väg samfälligheten i vårt blivande område. Kändes inte direkt som ett trevligt välkomnande till bygden.
Vi hade missat att man måste (bör ?) kontakta väg samfälligheten innan bygget påbörjats inför eventuella skador/slitage på vägen som leder fram till vår infart. Detta tycker man borde ligga under Myresjöhus borde att upplysa oss om eftersom de är ansvariga för bygget, eller kanske kommunen kunde nämnt detta under byggsamrådet.
Denna veckan flyttar vi in i vårt mellanboende och det mesta av vårt bohag förpassas till vårt förråd som nu börjar bli överfullt.
Vi hade missat att man måste (bör ?) kontakta väg samfälligheten innan bygget påbörjats inför eventuella skador/slitage på vägen som leder fram till vår infart. Detta tycker man borde ligga under Myresjöhus borde att upplysa oss om eftersom de är ansvariga för bygget, eller kanske kommunen kunde nämnt detta under byggsamrådet.
Denna veckan flyttar vi in i vårt mellanboende och det mesta av vårt bohag förpassas till vårt förråd som nu börjar bli överfullt.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Life continues...

Bostad är fixad, husbygget fortgår och vi har en handlingsplan för framtiden.
---One of our friends have decided to move in with his girlfriend a little earlier than planned. And he will let us rent his condo for a fair deal. The best thing is that the apartment is only a few blocks away from where we live today.
Thanks J&L!
The house project continues, there were just no way to stop it without us getting ruined. So thereby our hope to one day move into our house continues.
Plan A
is to move into our new house next summer. This will work as long as J gets to keep his job at Volvo Powertrain. In Februari we will know (hopefully).
Plan B
is a move to California. There is most likely a job opening at the lab where J used to work. The weather is great and we have lots of friends there so it wouldnt be a bad option.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The story continues...
The news of today is that Jonas might lose his job due to lay offs at Volvo Powertrain. In Sweden the rule last in first out applies in most cases.
And for the moment there is no easy (cheap) way out of our house project, and without a job it is hard to get a loan.... You get the idea.
No job, no house, no condo..... NO HOME! and maybe lots off depths.
We defiantly need a plan B. We call our plan B, Operation California.
A move to California instead of our new house seems to be a very likely reality right now.
And for the moment there is no easy (cheap) way out of our house project, and without a job it is hard to get a loan.... You get the idea.
No job, no house, no condo..... NO HOME! and maybe lots off depths.
We defiantly need a plan B. We call our plan B, Operation California.
A move to California instead of our new house seems to be a very likely reality right now.
Saturday, November 8, 2008

De fina blommorna från visningen förra veckan har vissnat, barnprylarna har börjat fylla lägenheten igen. Nu vill vi bara härifrån. Lägenheten är inte vår längre, i december kommer ett förväntansfullt par flytta in och förvandla lägenheten till deras fristad.
Var ska vi bo?
Den frågan är inte löst ännu men vi har eventuellt en lägenhet på gång inte så långt härifrån.
Huset då?
Antingen avbryter vi och tar en ekonomisk smäll eller så måste en vi finna ett sätt att minska på kostnaderna för husbygget. I dagarna pågår förhandlingar på alla möjliga håll för att få ner kostnaderna för projektet och även om det finns lite och ta på här och där så känns det fortfarande som vi är en bra bit ifrån en lösning.
Nästa vecka bör vi dock bestämma oss så vi budgeterar för fullt och undersöker möjligheter.
Förslag på trevligt boende i Centrala Göteborg mottages gärna! :)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Crushed dreams..
We lost so much over the last month. Not only money but security, hope and dreams...
Although in reality we have not lost a cent, only in theory.
The house project is far from fun right now. We really thought we had made a good budget.
The story is not over yet but the outcome is more uncertain...
The house project is far from fun right now. We really thought we had made a good budget.
The story is not over yet but the outcome is more uncertain...
Vi har valt helt fel tidpunkt i historien att bygga hus.
Fortsättning följer när vi vet mer...
Fortsättning följer när vi vet mer...
Sunday, October 26, 2008

.. so hold your thumbs, please!
Intensiv styling av lägenheten pågick under förra helgen. Lite små fix som fönsterbrädor, lampor och tavlor behövdes. Nya växter i hela lägenheten samt på balkongen. Nya handdukar i badrummet och nya fräscha lakan på sängen. Lite nya möbler och lite lånade. Aldrig har lägenheten varit så fin som i början av veckan, det är SYND att vi behöver sälja den. Utsikten är underbar, läget är perfekt vi har allt vi behöver runt omkring (nästan). Men tyvärr är den ju alldeles för liten för en två barns familj, och så har vi ju ingen trädgård utanför dörren.
Fotografen var här i Torsdags och sedan i fredags har vår lägenhet funnits på hemnet.se.
Fotografen var här i Torsdags och sedan i fredags har vår lägenhet funnits på hemnet.se.
Saturday, October 18, 2008

It would have been great if there'd been an easy path to follow through this process.
Everyone knows what is going on with the economy in the world right now. The last few weeks has effected the real estate market in our city more rapidly than before. We are now a little concerned over whats going to happen in the next 7 months. We need the money from the sales off our condo to finance our new house. But if the market will continue to go down that might be a big problem for us.
This is kind off the worst case scenario for us, or at least it can be if we are unlucky.
We even considered to cancel this whole housebuilding project, but that would be an expensive story as well.
We have decided to try to sell our apartment right now to see if we can still get enough money from the condo and avoiding taking a really high (i.e. impossible) mortgage. So this weekend we are fixing up or apartment to look as attractive as possible. Hold your thumbs......
Homestyling av vår lägenhet går på helvarv just nu. Förhoppningvis kan den bli fotade i början av veckan för att sedan läggas ut till försäljning
Friday, September 19, 2008
More interior...

I väntan på granne godkännande har vi inhandlat ett A till A, tyvärr fanns det inget C till C. Någon som känner någon som kan snickra ihop en C-hylla?
Since we got some interior for us grownups it wasnt more than fare that we bought something fun for the kids area. Unfortunaly there was no C-shelf so we have to come up with something fun for C too.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Nya möbler

I SF finns en av våra favoritbutiker, Propeller, när det gäller inredning.
I går köpte vi där vår första möbel till nya huset. Det är en bänk ifrån Botanist. Vi var intresserade redan för två år sedan men prislappen var då för hög. När vi nu fick chansen till att handla med 60% rabatt var det i stort sätt omöjligt att låta bli.
Utemöblerna ovan var både snygga och sköna. Det var även 60% rabatt på dem, men trots det så har vi ännu inte köpt dem. Bygglovet är ju inte helt klart ännu, vi inväntar grannegodkännande så vi kanske inte ska möblera hela huset innan det är färdigt. Sedan måste vi ju tänka på frakten hem till Svedala.
On Hayes street we bought a bench that we have been wanting for years. We walked by and it was 60% off. We totallay agreed on that we just had to get it.
I går köpte vi där vår första möbel till nya huset. Det är en bänk ifrån Botanist. Vi var intresserade redan för två år sedan men prislappen var då för hög. När vi nu fick chansen till att handla med 60% rabatt var det i stort sätt omöjligt att låta bli.
Utemöblerna ovan var både snygga och sköna. Det var även 60% rabatt på dem, men trots det så har vi ännu inte köpt dem. Bygglovet är ju inte helt klart ännu, vi inväntar grannegodkännande så vi kanske inte ska möblera hela huset innan det är färdigt. Sedan måste vi ju tänka på frakten hem till Svedala.
On Hayes street we bought a bench that we have been wanting for years. We walked by and it was 60% off. We totallay agreed on that we just had to get it.
Friday, September 5, 2008

I Torsdags ringde vår representant från kommunen igen.
Han hade nu haft ett möte med några kollegor och de hade kommit fram till att vårt fall var
extraordinärt och därför beslutat att bevilja vårt bygglov trots allt.
Varför vår kommunkille inte väntade med att prata med oss innan mötet han haft i Onsdags det kan vi bara spekulera om. Makt, dramatik...
(swedish expression)
New day, new decisions..
Our guy at the county office had a meeting with some colleges and came to the conclusion that our case had some special circumstances. So they decided to approve our application after all.
I Torsdags ringde vår representant från kommunen igen.
Han hade nu haft ett möte med några kollegor och de hade kommit fram till att vårt fall var
extraordinärt och därför beslutat att bevilja vårt bygglov trots allt.
Varför vår kommunkille inte väntade med att prata med oss innan mötet han haft i Onsdags det kan vi bara spekulera om. Makt, dramatik...
(swedish expression)
New day, new decisions..
Our guy at the county office had a meeting with some colleges and came to the conclusion that our case had some special circumstances. So they decided to approve our application after all.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Huset är beställt.
Vägen är planerad.
Väskorna är packade.
Lägenheten är städad.
Imorgon går flyget och vi är vid tomten för klargörande av några sista detaljer.
Telefonen ringer, det är tjänstemannen på kommunen.
Beslutet var färdigt.
Vad gör vi nu? Jo vi åker iväg på vår 6 veckor långa semester och väntar på bättre tider.
Det behöver inte vara så hopplöst som det låter, men det kan vara det...
...to be continued.
(Spindeln ovan hälsade vi på under vårt besök vid tomten idag)
Our permit-to-be-build got DENIED from our county office.
So we have a house but no where to put it for the moment!
Vägen är planerad.
Väskorna är packade.
Lägenheten är städad.
Imorgon går flyget och vi är vid tomten för klargörande av några sista detaljer.
Telefonen ringer, det är tjänstemannen på kommunen.
Beslutet var färdigt.
Vad gör vi nu? Jo vi åker iväg på vår 6 veckor långa semester och väntar på bättre tider.
Det behöver inte vara så hopplöst som det låter, men det kan vara det...
...to be continued.
(Spindeln ovan hälsade vi på under vårt besök vid tomten idag)
Our permit-to-be-build got DENIED from our county office.
So we have a house but no where to put it for the moment!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Picknick och mätning!

Mätta och belåtna lämnde vi tomten ett par timmar senare. Vårt nya förslag till husplacering verkar bli perfekt. Eller i alla fall så bra som det är möjligt på denna tomt. Om tre och en halv månad får vi se hur det ser ut i verklighten.
Nästa steg, placering av vår väg.
Finally we have a good placement of the house. J did a lot of measuring this weekend and we think we have found the perfect spot on this lot now. It has not been so easy since the lot isn't flat and have a lot of rocks.
Friday, August 15, 2008

My childhood friend E will move in to her brand new house just days before our "shell" will be delivered to our lot. We visited their "shell" last weekend.
Today they live in a house that is built 1875 so their exterior will defiantly change to a more modern look. We are jealous that they will soon be in their house. But they have had a long wait to, I think it will be around 1,5 year between signing the first papers and actually moving in. A little bite different from the house building market in CA. They will get a view over a Cherry blossom park, so we will make sure to visit them every spring from now on.
I helgen besökte vi våra goda vänners husbygge. De kommer flytta in i sitt hus med vy över en Körsbärsdal bara dagar innan vårt husskal kommer levereras till vår tomt. Körsbärsdalen får de dock vänta ett tag på, den är förtillfället en åker men finns med i detaljplanen för området.
Det är dock tur att de kommer ha en körsbörsdal vid husknuten för de kommer förmodligen inte ha några egna odlingar på tomten, förutom gräsmattan då ;)
Det är dock tur att de kommer ha en körsbörsdal vid husknuten för de kommer förmodligen inte ha några egna odlingar på tomten, förutom gräsmattan då ;)
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
Vacation is over...
Inget är hugget i sten innan huset är på plats. Vi har redan gjort ändringar efter att vi skrev på att vi inte skulle göra några mer ändringar på slutbeställningen.
En av anledningarna är att husets placering inte var färdig när vi gjorde den slutgiltliga beställningen, vi har därför fått tänka om lite för angående fönster för att anpassa till husets placering på tomten. Det är ju inte så kul att stirra rakt in i en bergvägg.
Vi har även ändrat storleken på fönster i tvättstugan eftersom en eventuell bänkskiva annars hade hamnat framför fönstret istället för under. Detta tack vare Camilla och Krille som i början av sommaren flyttade in i sitt "Tenor" hus. Tack för tipset!
Men nu är det slut på ändringar som påverkar extriören. På Torsdag morgon ska vi lämna besked om de absolut SISTA ändringarna. Fast det är klart för att få bygglov kan vi behöva ändra lite på utformningen av förrådet för att hamna innanför tomtgränsen.
Vi har även avbeställt bänkskivan inkl diskho eftersom vi inte var helt nöjda med bänkskivan som HTH kunde leverera. Vi ska utforska marknaden lite mer och se om vi kan hitta ett bra alternativ.
July is a really slow month in Sweden. It is hard to get anything done involving someone else. But now things have started to move again around our house building project.Unfortunately our guy at county office is still on vacation and will be for a couple off weeks more. We need him to sign the permit to build for us.
But this is what have happened since our last post a month ago.
* J have spent lots of time trying to measure up exactly where on our lot the house will be. He found the perfect place (or at least a good enough spot), only problem is that in that position one of the corners is outside the lot.
* We have added, moved and changed some windows.
* Removed to counter top from our order, we will try to find a better solution than the basic we ordered to begin with.
* Done some research on the interior in the second Bathroom.
En av anledningarna är att husets placering inte var färdig när vi gjorde den slutgiltliga beställningen, vi har därför fått tänka om lite för angående fönster för att anpassa till husets placering på tomten. Det är ju inte så kul att stirra rakt in i en bergvägg.
Vi har även ändrat storleken på fönster i tvättstugan eftersom en eventuell bänkskiva annars hade hamnat framför fönstret istället för under. Detta tack vare Camilla och Krille som i början av sommaren flyttade in i sitt "Tenor" hus. Tack för tipset!
Men nu är det slut på ändringar som påverkar extriören. På Torsdag morgon ska vi lämna besked om de absolut SISTA ändringarna. Fast det är klart för att få bygglov kan vi behöva ändra lite på utformningen av förrådet för att hamna innanför tomtgränsen.
Vi har även avbeställt bänkskivan inkl diskho eftersom vi inte var helt nöjda med bänkskivan som HTH kunde leverera. Vi ska utforska marknaden lite mer och se om vi kan hitta ett bra alternativ.
July is a really slow month in Sweden. It is hard to get anything done involving someone else. But now things have started to move again around our house building project.Unfortunately our guy at county office is still on vacation and will be for a couple off weeks more. We need him to sign the permit to build for us.
But this is what have happened since our last post a month ago.
* J have spent lots of time trying to measure up exactly where on our lot the house will be. He found the perfect place (or at least a good enough spot), only problem is that in that position one of the corners is outside the lot.
* We have added, moved and changed some windows.
* Removed to counter top from our order, we will try to find a better solution than the basic we ordered to begin with.
* Done some research on the interior in the second Bathroom.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The final floorplan
Thursday, June 26, 2008

I december blir det adventsfika för våra snickare. Mellan 1:a och 2:a advent levereras vårt husskal. Det invändiga arbetet tar sedan runt 20 veckor, så i början av maj kan vi förhoppningsvis flytta in.
---Our house will arrive in time for Christmas. The Carpenters can look forward to some traditional saffronbuns AFTER the roof is on top. Around twenty weeks later we will hopefully get the key to our first house.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Yes! IT IS FOR REAL! We are now two huge steps closer to getting our house done. Last Tuesday the 17th , we made the final order for the house. Also, our permit-to-build application has arrived at the county administration office .
But the decision process is far from over. In order to give us extra time to plan the interior we 've decided to buy a lot of stuff ourself instead of getting it from Myresjöhus. This will also give us a bigger selection to choose from.
This week:
Decide exact where to place the water related items in the bathroom.
* Decide for the exact position off the house.
* Detailed planning off our own road, placement and lightning.
* Make arrangements with Telia for the phone wires.
When the permit-to-build has been approved:
* Pay for our piece of land.
* Start planning for our little garden house.
* For the Kitchen we need to buy dishwasher, refrigerator, freezer, oven, stove top and the kitchen faucet.
* For the master bath and the dressing room we need to buy the whole interior, including the tile.
* The other bathroom will also need to get the whole interior, including the tile.
* The laundry/ second entrance room will also need a washing machine and tumble drier. In that room we also have to plan for some storage and hanging of wet clothes.
* Make a plan over the electric wireing , or actually customize the plan for us, including outlets, indoor and outdoor lighting and media wires. We plan to get some professional help with the lighting in the house.
* Interior design in all the rooms; wallpaper, painting etc.
* Order the tile for the first entrance and the laundry room/second entrance.

Note to us selfs,
* Prata med rörläggaren INNAN inköp av blandare för dusch i Master Bath
* Glöm inte att instruera snickaren att runda av hörnen på fönsterbrädorna, samt att diskutera höjden på väggen i Master bedroom.
But the decision process is far from over. In order to give us extra time to plan the interior we 've decided to buy a lot of stuff ourself instead of getting it from Myresjöhus. This will also give us a bigger selection to choose from.
This week:
Decide exact where to place the water related items in the bathroom.
* Decide for the exact position off the house.
* Detailed planning off our own road, placement and lightning.
* Make arrangements with Telia for the phone wires.
When the permit-to-build has been approved:
* Pay for our piece of land.
* Start planning for our little garden house.
* For the Kitchen we need to buy dishwasher, refrigerator, freezer, oven, stove top and the kitchen faucet.
* For the master bath and the dressing room we need to buy the whole interior, including the tile.
* The other bathroom will also need to get the whole interior, including the tile.
* The laundry/ second entrance room will also need a washing machine and tumble drier. In that room we also have to plan for some storage and hanging of wet clothes.
* Interior design in all the rooms; wallpaper, painting etc.
* Order the tile for the first entrance and the laundry room/second entrance.
We will probably mostly have white painted walls,
maybe some wallpapers. Below is some
sample of the latest kids collection of Sandbergs
that we received in the mail today.
maybe some wallpapers. Below is some
sample of the latest kids collection of Sandbergs
that we received in the mail today.

Note to us selfs,
* Prata med rörläggaren INNAN inköp av blandare för dusch i Master Bath
* Glöm inte att instruera snickaren att runda av hörnen på fönsterbrädorna, samt att diskutera höjden på väggen i Master bedroom.
Saturday, June 14, 2008

This is the final version of our kitchen... almost. The shelfs to the right of the fan hood will be longer, they will end where the counter top ends. This will give room for an extra light under the shelfs.
We feel good about this kitchen it will be great. To bad we wont get to use it for a long, long time...
Det tog en stund men nu är äntligen köksritningen färdig, så gott som i alla fall. Vi ser fram emot att få använda det, men det är en lång väntan kvar innan vi får se hur det ser ut i verkligheten.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Vi har gett upp iden om att inte lägga så mycket pengar på köket. Trots att boräntan är på väg upp. Det är ett viktigt rum i hjärtat av huset, det måste helt enkelt bli perfekt. Vi har besökt vår kontakt, N, hos köks leverantören för att bestämma de sista detaljerna. N är en bra säljare som smidigt hänger med på vår ideer och när vi gör ändringar.
Köket kommer bli helvitt med svarta detaljer i form av diskbänk och spishäll. Diskbänken är i silgranit.
"Silgranit är ett material som består av 80% pulveriserad granit blandat med 20% akryl. Denna blandning gör det möjligt att framställa diskbänkar i andra former än vad man är van vid från rostfritt stål och i många olika färger. Där utöver ger materialet några andra omedelbara fördelar när det gäller rengöring och skötsel av diskbänken." saxat från Blanco.
Köket kommer bli helvitt med svarta detaljer i form av diskbänk och spishäll. Diskbänken är i silgranit.
"Silgranit är ett material som består av 80% pulveriserad granit blandat med 20% akryl. Denna blandning gör det möjligt att framställa diskbänkar i andra former än vad man är van vid från rostfritt stål och i många olika färger. Där utöver ger materialet några andra omedelbara fördelar när det gäller rengöring och skötsel av diskbänken." saxat från Blanco.
We've now made some final decisions about the kitchen, the counter top will be white and we will go for the first sketch J did. We are still a little bummed that we couldn't have the black counter top, but we found this black sink in silgranit to make up for it.We haven't seen the final pricetag for our kitchen but we have already giving up our original plan of a cheap kitchen.
The mortgage rate is on the way up in Sweden too, so anyhow this will be an expensive new home for us. I might have to send J back to Cali to work off our mortgage, I would of course have to come with him.
Sunday, June 8, 2008

Ett helt vitt kök är kanske inte fel heller...
speciellt eftersom vi inte kunde få en helsvart bänkskiva utan att bli ruinerade.
Since the solid black countertop is out of the question we have to think about alternatives. How about an all white kitchen.
Inspiration picture from Electrolux Home
speciellt eftersom vi inte kunde få en helsvart bänkskiva utan att bli ruinerade.
Since the solid black countertop is out of the question we have to think about alternatives. How about an all white kitchen.
Inspiration picture from Electrolux Home
Monday, June 2, 2008

On Friday evening we brought our friends J & K to our lot for a little BBQ. We watched the sun go down to make sure our porch will have sun in the evenings, before the placement of the house is final.
Another positive discovery this evening was that we have very nice neighbors, we meet two families. It turns out that our next door neighbors have kids almost the exact ages as ours. It couldn't be more perfect, hopefully they will get along well too.
We got the paperworks for the permit-to-build on Thursday last week, and there is only minor changes to be done before we can send the papers in. Hopefully this will be arranged this week.
The exterior and the placement of the house on the lot is the important parts in the application for a permit-to-build.

We have decided to go for the horizontal wood panel on the house, only a little part on the front side will have plaster. We would have loved to have white plaster all around, but unfortunately it is to expensive. On the picture above we are going to change the placement of the round window so that will be placed in the middle of the bedroom wall (on the inside that is). The door out from bedroom #4 will get a different door with glass all the way down.
exterior design,
our piece of land,
Monday, May 26, 2008

Our good friends T,N & E finished building their house in august last year (they actually build most of it them self). This weekend ,between a Welcome party for C and a round of Golf for J, we paid them a visit. Their house were so beautiful and had great finish. The best part were their kitchen, our kitchen is not even coming close to that one. Not with our budget.
We have been thinking about getting a central vacuum cleaner, but after visiting T,N & E we will probably not. They told us they never used theirs, generally they choose the regular vacuum cleaner instead. So that will be 10 000 sKr in savings for us.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
21 Maj
H3ll Yeah! Progress!!
We almost got the paper work done, that has to be finished before we can apply for the building permit. We hope to be able to submit it during the next week... but we don't bet on it
We almost got the paper work done, that has to be finished before we can apply for the building permit. We hope to be able to submit it during the next week... but we don't bet on it
Monday, May 19, 2008
Were getting closer!

Here is a first draft of our kitchen, from the Salesman at HTH (the kitchen manufacture).
I wanted to have an island in our kitchen, but we could not find a way to get it in with the rest of our requirements. I guess I just have to settle with a peninsula. It doesn't look like there is a lot of storage in the kitchen, but the pantry to the right will swallow lots of stuff.
A drawback of this design is that we can't use the solid black counter top ,the one we really liked, because of the angles. Now we have to choose another, which is a bummer, since all we wanted is the solid black (metal) one. The final decision is not made and changes WILL follow.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Heart of the home
The kitchen is the heart of the home - So it is really important to get it right.
Below is our last attempt on the kitchen design. Our first suggestion was (of course) really expensive. In this design we have tried to use more standard stuff to keep the price down.

We think #2 wins when it comes to looks, but this last design is probably more practical for a family with small kids.
Actually E and Ts kitchen in SF has given us inspiration for this design. Can you guys see which part? It is not obvious since it is not a copy of that part of your kitchen!
We also used the kitchen in our condo as inspiration, it is now a little over five years since we designed that one.
Below is our last attempt on the kitchen design. Our first suggestion was (of course) really expensive. In this design we have tried to use more standard stuff to keep the price down.

We think #2 wins when it comes to looks, but this last design is probably more practical for a family with small kids.
Actually E and Ts kitchen in SF has given us inspiration for this design. Can you guys see which part? It is not obvious since it is not a copy of that part of your kitchen!
We also used the kitchen in our condo as inspiration, it is now a little over five years since we designed that one.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Move-in Date
Friday, May 9, 2008
Interior design
This is the interior design with our modifications so far.

* A garage with a storage room, instead of a carport. This will also change the exterior of the house. with an angle on the backside.
* A second walk in closet in the Master bedroom.
* The master bathroom will be connected to the master bedroom only.
This is not standard as in US, although it is becoming more common over here.
The master bath is also smaller than in the original design.
* We added a low wall in the master bedroom and changed the rectangular window to a big round one.
* The kitchen and living room will have a more open design since we removed the wall in between them.
* In the wall between the hallway and the kitchen we added a little angle in the wall to hide the clothes hangers. All Swedish houses have a hallway, it is important for swedes to have a functional entrance. We missed that in US.
* In the northwest wing of the house the design is flipped vertical. We added a sliding door between the playroom and the livingroom.
*In the second bathroom we will add a bathtub and change the window from vertical to horizontal.
Please feel free to leave us feedback on the design, good and bad. We will be grateful for any help in the process, it is hard to think of every little aspect.

* A garage with a storage room, instead of a carport. This will also change the exterior of the house. with an angle on the backside.
* A second walk in closet in the Master bedroom.
* The master bathroom will be connected to the master bedroom only.
This is not standard as in US, although it is becoming more common over here.
The master bath is also smaller than in the original design.
* We added a low wall in the master bedroom and changed the rectangular window to a big round one.
* The kitchen and living room will have a more open design since we removed the wall in between them.
* In the wall between the hallway and the kitchen we added a little angle in the wall to hide the clothes hangers. All Swedish houses have a hallway, it is important for swedes to have a functional entrance. We missed that in US.
* In the northwest wing of the house the design is flipped vertical. We added a sliding door between the playroom and the livingroom.
*In the second bathroom we will add a bathtub and change the window from vertical to horizontal.
Please feel free to leave us feedback on the design, good and bad. We will be grateful for any help in the process, it is hard to think of every little aspect.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
8 Maj
We've arranged for the down payments of the house and the lot this week.
The most exciting house related issue this week, though, was todays visit to a newly built "Tenor" house. A very nice family gave us a tour of their new home only a week after they moved in. It was great to see it in reality, which will make it a lot easier to decide on future modifications. Both me and J sensed that this will be a great house for us.
So far so good! But just as we were about to leave A walked in through the patio door with a big rock in his hand....
.... lets just leave it to the fact that J had to hand over his business card for future reimbursements.
Big Thank You! to the G Family. We are really sorry for the inconvenience!

The most exciting house related issue this week, though, was todays visit to a newly built "Tenor" house. A very nice family gave us a tour of their new home only a week after they moved in. It was great to see it in reality, which will make it a lot easier to decide on future modifications. Both me and J sensed that this will be a great house for us.
So far so good! But just as we were about to leave A walked in through the patio door with a big rock in his hand....
.... lets just leave it to the fact that J had to hand over his business card for future reimbursements.
Big Thank You! to the G Family. We are really sorry for the inconvenience!

After looking at the house we went for a little evening picnic by the ocean. A insisted on going for a swim, but he changed his mind after dipping his feet's. For all of you that ain't familiar with the Swedish weather I should add that that May is defiantly to early for a swim in the ocean here. Usually there is only 2-3 months in the summer when it is even possible to go for a swim in the ocean. (of course there is people who do it all year around, but they are a little crazy ;) )
Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Kitchen will be black & white.
So far we agree.
The space for the kitchen is limited which makes it hard to fit everything we want. Also, since we are trying to hold a tight budget in order to make other custom modifications on the rest of the house, the selection can't be what otherwise would've been. Bummer.....
The toy kitchen is designed by L and constructed by L's dad, i.e. A and C's grand dad.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
1 maj
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
29 April
Signed lots of papers for the lot today.
NOW the only thing that will stop this project is that we wont get permission to build, and that is very unlikely.
The contract says that the lot will be ours 14 days after we get the permission. We want that to be tomorrow so that we can start using the lot. The seller at the house firm thinks that will be before 30 of June, the realtor think it will before 1 of September, our contract says it has to happen before the 1 of October.
So now we have to speed up things so that something will happen.
NOW the only thing that will stop this project is that we wont get permission to build, and that is very unlikely.
The contract says that the lot will be ours 14 days after we get the permission. We want that to be tomorrow so that we can start using the lot. The seller at the house firm thinks that will be before 30 of June, the realtor think it will before 1 of September, our contract says it has to happen before the 1 of October.
So now we have to speed up things so that something will happen.
Finns det något avvänjningsprogram för hemnet.se användare???
Vanans makt är stor, men det är ju bara dumt att surfa omkring där nu. Man vill ju inte hitta något bättre nu. Fast det är nog svårt att hitta något bättre. En lika mysig tomt men närmare allmänna kommunikationer in till Göteborg i så fall.
Vanans makt är stor, men det är ju bara dumt att surfa omkring där nu. Man vill ju inte hitta något bättre nu. Fast det är nog svårt att hitta något bättre. En lika mysig tomt men närmare allmänna kommunikationer in till Göteborg i så fall.
28 April
Papers and brochures is all over our place. It is hard to focus on one thing at the time. But we made some progress and have made some decisions.
In Sweden most people settle for a garage with room for one or two cars. Garage for three cars does not exists, at least it is very rare. It is not like driving on Alcosta Blvd towards San Ramon (from Dublin) in Cali where most houses have three car ports.
We will only park one car in the garage and are planning to have an isolated storage room added. We are not sure this plan over where to place the garage will work out. We asked our contact at Myresjöhus today and he is going to look in to it.
In Sweden most people settle for a garage with room for one or two cars. Garage for three cars does not exists, at least it is very rare. It is not like driving on Alcosta Blvd towards San Ramon (from Dublin) in Cali where most houses have three car ports.
We will only park one car in the garage and are planning to have an isolated storage room added. We are not sure this plan over where to place the garage will work out. We asked our contact at Myresjöhus today and he is going to look in to it.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
27 April

Myresjöhus sålde tomten och därmed hade vi inga valmöjligheter när det gäller husleverantör. Modellen som vi med största sannolikhet kommer att bygga heter Tenor. Det var den som inom vår budget passar våra önskemål bäst. Bilderna ovan är standardutförandet och det kommer givetvis bli ändringar både extriört och interiört.
This is the house we are planning to build, with some modifications of course.
All our time goes to thinking about this, we have to decide how it is going to look on the inside, on the outside, plan the kitchen and the bathrooms, how to place the house on the lot and so on.There is so many choices to make right now so we are afraid to forget something important.
It is not only the interior and exterior on the house, there is lots of more boring stuff like heating and water to consider. All this would have been pretty easy if money were not a limitation. Today we are going to a showroom to check out some options.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
25 April
Point of No return, was not totally true.
There might be a way out... if we really want too.
Today we got an offer we had to check out since the location on this new lot where so much better than the one we already signed up for.
Luckily that trip only made us sure we already have made the right choice the first time. The nice feeling on our lot (to be) is hard to beat. We cant wait to move in... But first we need a house!
We also went back to our lot (to be), this time we took the long way and walked up where our own road will be. We had to do some climbing over the rocks but this will be our entrance later. We wont use this entrance again until the road is finished, there is a back road to get to the lot as well and that will be good enough for now.

A seemed to love the place as much as us and found some new friends at once.

There might be a way out... if we really want too.
Today we got an offer we had to check out since the location on this new lot where so much better than the one we already signed up for.
Luckily that trip only made us sure we already have made the right choice the first time. The nice feeling on our lot (to be) is hard to beat. We cant wait to move in... But first we need a house!
We also went back to our lot (to be), this time we took the long way and walked up where our own road will be. We had to do some climbing over the rocks but this will be our entrance later. We wont use this entrance again until the road is finished, there is a back road to get to the lot as well and that will be good enough for now.

A seemed to love the place as much as us and found some new friends at once.

We will post more pics of the actual lot later. On the lot is an ,old not so beautiful, little house that been used as a summer home.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
23 April
Point of no return!
Avtal med husleverantör tecknat.
I guess this is the best anniversary present I will get from Jonas (and the only one). We signed the papers for our first house today on our third wedding anniversary. Today C is turning 4 months too.
Avtal med husleverantör tecknat.
I guess this is the best anniversary present I will get from Jonas (and the only one). We signed the papers for our first house today on our third wedding anniversary. Today C is turning 4 months too.
Tisdag 22 April
Söndag 20 April
Ny tomt hittas på hemnet, J impuls lånar en bil och konstaterar att det är köpläge!
"Härlig naturtomt om 1466 kvm med mycket bra, lugnt och barnvänligt läge nära natur och strövområden. Befintligt hus rives. Egen väg för infart"
Tomten ligger söder om Göteborg, 2,5km till Säröleden, 5km till havet, 2 mil till Göteborg.
"Härlig naturtomt om 1466 kvm med mycket bra, lugnt och barnvänligt läge nära natur och strövområden. Befintligt hus rives. Egen väg för infart"
Tomten ligger söder om Göteborg, 2,5km till Säröleden, 5km till havet, 2 mil till Göteborg.
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