Below is our last attempt on the kitchen design. Our first suggestion was (of course) really expensive. In this design we have tried to use more standard stuff to keep the price down.

We think #2 wins when it comes to looks, but this last design is probably more practical for a family with small kids.
Actually E and Ts kitchen in SF has given us inspiration for this design. Can you guys see which part? It is not obvious since it is not a copy of that part of your kitchen!
We also used the kitchen in our condo as inspiration, it is now a little over five years since we designed that one.
I'm gonna guess the stools area, mostly because I can't think of anything else haha
Why is this design not as good looking? Is it because of more cabinet?
Thats right!
The other one would look better because there would be a big black countertop that would be between the kitchen and the livingroom.
It would look good only when clean of course, this is why this suggestion probably will be better since we can hide the dirty dish behind the bar.
And this last design will hopefully be cheaper too.
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