This is the interior design with our modifications so far.

* A garage with a storage room, instead of a carport. This will also change the exterior of the house. with an angle on the backside.
* A second walk in closet in the Master bedroom.
* The master bathroom will be connected to the master bedroom only.
This is not standard as in US, although it is becoming more common over here.
The master bath is also smaller than in the original design.
* We added a low wall in the master bedroom and changed the rectangular window to a big round one.
* The kitchen and living room will have a more open design since we removed the wall in between them.
* In the wall between the hallway and the kitchen we added a little angle in the wall to hide the clothes hangers. All Swedish houses have a hallway, it is important for swedes to have a functional entrance. We missed that in US.
* In the northwest wing of the house the design is flipped vertical. We added a sliding door between the playroom and the livingroom.
*In the second bathroom we will add a bathtub and change the window from vertical to horizontal.
Please feel free to leave us
feedback on the design, good and bad. We will be grateful for any help in the process, it is hard to think of every little aspect.